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Planning Board Minutes - 6-16-04
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of June 16, 2004
Town Hall Hearing Room

Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Harriet Miller, Alfred Pickard, Gerald
                Parent, Mark Berry
Excused:        Ben Gitlow, Lisa Brown; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town                            Administrator

Chair O'Connell called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

SD #99-03; Delphi Path, Caruso-D'Amico, Map #23, Lots 87 & 88, Discussion of alteration of construction of road.  Dick Lay of Slade Associations presented this amendment of the plan for finishing the construction on Delphi Path. [Gerry Parent disclosed that he is a close abutter to the property.]  Because the contractor did not bring the topsoil up even with the pavement on the unbermed run up the hill and because the growing season is advancing, Lay requested that Planning Board approve placement of 1' wide strips of  ¾" stone on each side of the pavement (instead of loam and seeds) to allow water to percolate through.  The stone will be brought up to the same elevation as the pavement and should eventually silt in and become grown up with vegetation.   
To Parent's question of why a berm was not installed, Lay replied that berms were typically not put on a slope of under 3%.  
Parent noted that the road was narrow and the rock should work.  Lay added that as it was driven on, the road would be compacted; they will continue putting more in until it no longer compacts.  He noted that this forms a strip drain and that some water will go around it; also, it will cause the road to be hardened wider than the pavement.  
Alfred Pickard, stating that he was not a Board member when the original subdivision was approved, asked what waivers had been allowed for the road.  The Chair noted waivers for length and width.
Lay asked that they be allowed to try the process to determine if it works beyond the summer; if not, he added, loam will have to be brought in.
Mark Berry stated that he liked the idea of using the stone--it will go in now, and the Board still has control of the remaining lots on the road if the process does not work.  Pickard added that he had no problem with the proposal with the condition of taking off the stone and replacing it with loam if it doesn't work.
Parent, having driven the road as an experiment, stated that "normal-sized" vehicles could pass; he added, however, that larger trucks, etc. would not be able to.  He proposed using 18" to 2' width for the stone layer; since the road is so narrow, 18" would consistently protect motorists from driving off it.  Lay asked that the builders be allowed to exercise their judgement of which places should be widened.
Gerry Parent moved and the Chair seconded that the Planning Board approve the request to allow the installation of stone swales of 18" minimum width to Delphi Path, with more width when necessary at the judgement of the engineer, and with the condition that if this process is not successful the stone will be removed and be replaced with loam.  The motion carried, 5-0.

Agenda Items: Nantucket Subdivision Regulations and Town Meeting Follow-Up.
The Chair proposed, since Ben Gitlow and Rex Peterson were unable to be at this meeting, that the above agenda items be placed on the next meeting's agenda to allow them to contribute to the discussion.  Gerry Parent commended the explanation of the use of the words "may," "shall," and "will" contained in the Nantucket definitions section.

Minutes of June 2, 2004.  Alfred Pickard moved and Gerry Parent seconded the approval of the minutes of 6-2-04 as amended.  Carried 4-0-1(Berry).

Mail.  Chair O'Connell reviewed the mail, noting the Spring 2004 Zoning Update from the Cape Cod Business Roundtable and the 6-10-04 memo from Planning Board to Building Inspector Paul Murphy answering his question on volumetric increase as applied to installation of new foundations.

Other Business.   The Board discussed minimum number of acres required for cluster dwellings, the possibility of local construction of an assisted living facility grouping, the role of 40B in reducing acreage requirements for cluster dwellings, and the possibility of Wellfleet's meeting its affordable housing quota if trailer parks are accepted by the legislature as valid affordable housing.

Mark Berry moved for adjournment; Alfred Pickard seconded.  The meeting closed at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________        ________________________
Frances J. Castillo, Committee Secretary                R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair
